Step 1 of 3
Membership enrollment will qualify you to attend a series of Zoom meetings which will be held on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. till 11 a.m. PST, starting on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. Membership is open only to the owners of privately held businesses. Schedules will accommodate regularly scheduled holidays.
Membership benefits include the following:
The market value of the above Member services and benefits is as follows:
The introductory rate for new members is $3,900. This membership rate is good only through the end of 2023.
As of January 1, 2024, the Membership fee will be $10,000.
To enroll now, please remit $3,900. You may choose to remit after the end of the first session.
Once payment is received, you will receive the instructions for obtaining the business valuation through the BizEquity service, which operates from a database of over 39,000 completed valuations.
To remit payment, please use the PayPal facility below:
(All information will be confidential and not conveyed to anyone outside Mulkern Associates, without permission.)
All Membesr, guests and/or speakers, including the facilitator Tony Mulkern, in the Exit and Succession Planning Roundtable (ESPR), acknowledge and agree to the following:
ESPR is designed to be a forum in which Members may openly and honestly discuss confidential business plans and other confidential or proprietary material orally and/or in writing for the sake of giving and receiving mutually helpful feedback. All such discussions and exchange of information and feedback will hereafter be referred to as “Information.” Protecting the confidentiality of Information disclosed during ESPR membership and/or participation is critical to its members interests and is the purpose of this agreement.
The Member hereby agrees to receive all Information in confidence and to refrain from using or disclosing confidential and/or proprietary Information except to provide feedback, in either a Roundtable meeting or individual setting, to the disclosing member during ESPR membership and thereafter. The member also agrees to refrain from using, copying, duplicating or otherwise reproducing any disclosed Information that is not already public without the explicit permission of the disclosing Member. To further encourage creative input and robust discussions, each Member acknowledges that any advice or input received from any other Member or ESPR speaker or from Tony Mulkern in the ESPR will be carefully evaluated by the Member before such advice or input is adopted or relied upon. Each Member acknowledges and agrees that any such advice and/or input that is adopted and/or relied upon will be done so at the Member’s own risk.
Each Member also agrees not to use Information regarding sales and/or client/customer identity, employee relations, and/or business opportunity, disclosed by any other Member, for the purposes of soliciting clients and/or customers, employees, or to take advantage of a business opportunity, without explicit permission from the Member who disclosed the Information.
Each Member also agrees not to solicit any other Member(s) to receive services and/or goods other than advice or feedback at a meeting as a direct response to an apparent need based upon Information disclosed by another Member. Speakers and Members are free to respond to explicit requests from Members for other goods or services that they may provide.